G E S T A T I O N I S M Page 2
Religious reflections as to the nature and purpose of our universe, and thoughts about the sociological phenomenon and evolution of religion on earth. Gestationism may also be referred to as ‘Cosmological Darwinism’.
Column 3: -- Keep the TPW Timeline Chart in mind as you read some of these comments -- Column 4:
337 2019-0829: "Memories are essential to the sense of identity that emerges from the narrative of personal experience. This study is remarkable because it demonstrates that by manipulating specific circuits in the brain, memories can be separated from that narrative and formed in the complete absence of real experience. The work shows that brain circuits that normally respond to specific experiences can be artificially stimulated and linked together in an artificial memory. That memory can be elicited by the appropriate sensory cues in the real environment. The research provides some fundamental understanding of how memories are formed in the brain and is part of a burgeoning science of memory manipulation that includes the transfer, prosthetic enhancement and erasure of memory. These efforts could have a tremendous impact on a wide range of individuals, from those struggling with memory impairments to those enduring traumatic memories, and they also have broad social and ethical implications." From Scientific American: A Successful Artificial Memory Has Been Created. The growing science of memory manipulation raises social and ethical questions. By Robert Martone on August 27, 2019.
What? It raises ethical questions?? In another time and place, maybe, but not in the United States of today, where the only real ethics are: 'Win' and 'Don't get caught.' All you have to do is ignore and deny that anything ethically monstrous ever happened. Just remember the guiding principle in the movie Black Mass: "If no one sees you do it, it didn't really happen." Ethical dissonance resolved!
To continue: "...Memories have been partially transferred in rodents by using recordings of electrical activity of a trained animal’s memory center (the hippocampus) to stimulate similar patterns of nerve activity in a recipient animal. This process is similar to the new report described here, in that stimulating the electrical activity of specific neural circuits is used to elicit a memory. In the case of memory transfer, that pattern came from trained animals, whereas in the optogenetics study, the pattern of electrical activity associated with the memory was built de novo ['from scratch'] within brain of the mouse. This is the first report of a completely artificial memory, and it helps establish some fundamental understanding of how memories may be manipulated. Research into memory and efforts to manipulate it have progressed at a rapid pace. A “memory prosthetic” designed to enhance its formation and recall by electrical stimulation of the memory center in the human brain has been developed with support from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). In contrast, memory erasure using what has been nicknamed the Eternal Sunshine drug (zeta inhibitory peptide, or ZIP)—after Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, a Hollywood movie with a mnemonic theme—is being developed to treat recollections of chronic pain...
...Memory has been called “the scribe of the soul,” and it is the source of one’s personal history."
I would phrase it a bit differently: Childhood experience and memory is the foundation of the soul, adult memory is the reference library of the soul.
338 2019-0901 5:17AM: "I'm going to throw away the SQ5 and stick with SQ6 – I use the special cases too much." Male, 20s-30s, faint, casual conversation, no context. I have no idea what SQ5 and SQ6 might be, so I googled them. I had suspected they referred to software, but they appear to refer either to new professional audio mixing equipment or to a new digital camera with a small built-in printer. I had never heard of either before. It is noteworthy that the terms appear to refer to recent products, suggesting that the dremem was real time and not from an injected memory in 2000... unless there were long-ago products of the same name. However, the phrase, "...I use the special cases too much," doesn't seem clearly applicable to either product. The early morning hours were rich with more or less neutral dremems of faint-to-nominal intensity, this was just one that occurred during a period of very light sleep, so I awoke and wrote it down.
339 2019-0910: "You swore an oath this would never be used inside this country!" Male voice, 50s, angry. I've heard this same line a couple of times before, roughly three and six months ago.
340 2019-0919 1:40 AM: "This twin circuit is almost unheard of." This might refer to anything, but the HNT Protocol does use a dual dead-man switch to protect against accidental detonation.
341 2019-1003 5:50AM: As I was lightly sleeping I saw the image of a piece of white 8.5" x 11" paper. I couldn't detect any depth behind it so I don't know if it was a single sheet or several pages. There was no staple in the upper left corner nor did I notice any binding along the left edge. The only printing was in normal sized all-caps, centered about 3" down from the top:
There was nothing else on the page, and "1194" means nothing to me. As this image slowly zoomed out (it started at about 4" x 6" so I could read it easily) there was a male voice, 40s-50s, which said softly, "...millions will die, millions more will...", and then I awoke sufficiently to halt the dremem and decided to write it down. It was the first time I have drememed anything like this (a universal trait for all dremems), but I assign it no particular significance – just another curiosity. Dremem stress level was zero. I slept in this morning, and is always the case when I sleep beyond 8 hours or so – and thus sleep fairly lightly – the dremems became an interesting menagerie of unrelated narrated short stories that morphed into one another.
342 2019-1003: When you hear someone say, 'I can't imagine such a thing,' reply: 'What we can't imagine fills the libraries of the universe... and most of those on Earth, too."
343 2019-1010 7:57 AM: "This is Shockwave technology?... You've set back our relationship [garbled] years." Male, 40s-50s. Note that 'shockwave' may either mean the physical phenomena of a shock wave, or a code name 'Shockwave' in the same sense as 'Treadstone' in the Bourne movies. There was no context.
344 2019-1012 7:20 AM: For a few minutes I was dreaming my own dreams -- peaceful, innocuous, and without narration. It was sufficiently novel that my mind was briefly perplexed in a sort of 'what was that?' reaction. Then the narrated dremems resumed. I awoke at about 8:05 AM. The curious cessation made me wonder if someone forgot to change an audio DVD, or accidentally pulled out a cord or cable, or had to reboot a TPW computer?
(2020-02011: From accumulated notes)...
345 2019-0525 6:30 AM: Experienced a dremem about driving a car too fast on a curvy road. I awoke with my arms tense from the stress of steering. Feel back to sleep. About 7AM: "The trap is set." Male voice about 30.
346 2019-060x time not recorded: "I don't make war on a dying man." Male voice 25-30. This was remarkable in two ways. It was the first indication of a moral code beyond the 11th and 12th Commandments, and second, it began the longest period of minimum-intensity dremem sleep that I have ever experienced (June 2019 – February 2020 as this is written)... punctuated by the occasional random week of antagonistic dremems.
347 2019-0906 10:39 PM: "Definitely carbon monoxide." Male voice 20s-30s. I have no idea what this referred to.
348 2019-1013 3:09 AM: "Very well... I release my orders!" Male voice, 60s. I have no idea what this referred to.
349 2019-1025 2:50 AM: "The director said, 'Pull your heads out of your asses.'" Male voice, 40s. Sounds like a governmental rebuke.
350 2019-1208 time not recorded: "...and take him with you, would you." Male voice, 30s.
351 2019-1210 8:05 AM: "The biggest problem is how to load him up." Male voice, 40s, hint of a British accent for the previous 30 minutes of dremems. The quote means nothing to me.
352 2019-1222 6:25 AM: "It's the moral equivalent of a small dog." Might refer to Ref# 87? Later at 6:30AM: "Put him out of his misery." Male voice, 30-40.
353 2020-0129 4:25 AM: "I need to see these three things..." Later: "(name), (name), and (name) go home... the war's over." Male voice, 50s-60s. As I awoke I couldn't remember the names long enough to write them down. Later: "We don't buy insurance." Male voice, ~30, as if answering the question, 'do you have insurance?'
354 2020-0209 6:24 AM: Had a dremem as seen through the eyes of a man looking to buy property on the edge of some town. The first small cinderblock building (~15'x 15') that the owner and 'I' walked past was ground-level rubble. At the second small building the owner said he needed my help clearing out the snakes. He handed me a spear similar to something from Africa, metal head and tail, smoothly contoured wood in the middle. When we went down the stairs into the dilapidated basement (~12' x 12') there was a thrashing 5' aligator that 'I' speared several times, lastly in its head – amber goo like thick honey trailed from the spearhead. There was a snake curled up in a bucket nearby. 'I' poked the snake with the spear tip a little and it stirred. About then I woke up. I was aware of the narration (male voice, 30s) driving the story's visualization for the last 5-10 seconds. The dremem's alarming and violent storyline produced a faster than normal heart rate and elevated my blood pressure, causing my nose to be runny. So I awoke completely in order to use a tissue and write this down. In the early years such a storyline would have been intense enough (X100) to cause a stroke or heart attack – and most storylines were that intense – but I have survived them all... so far. But in my present medical state I don't doubt that I am at greater risk of being 'narrated to death in my sleep'. Death by dremem.
Technology advances to greater and brighter heights, while animal-man employs it – like TPW – for corrupt and dark crimes. The foundations of civilizations are being undercut by erosion (because the guardians of the Constitution are asleep, or bought and paid for, or frightened by and immobilized in bureaucratic amber, or because there isn't any profit in protecting it). Such civilizations eventually topple. A circle and circus of (animal-motive-driven) destruction... because our inherent animal instincts and emotions are far easier to sway than to reason with. Reason can grow a civilization. Emotion can destroy it – look no further than Washington, D.C. for the highest and lowest of both. The only easy paths in civilization (as in life) are 'downhill'... as history – even modern history – has shown us time and time again. How many skyscrapers have been built by toppling all those around it? You can't build anything by destroying everything else... an understanding we seem to have lost. Always assuming, of course, that building – rather than plundering – is the real goal?
355 2020-0211: Medical update: The chemotherapy for my CLL leukemia is progressing as it should. I have a good oncology team and they look after me competently and conscientiously. Without their experienced guidance I would have been quite lost and bewildered in the complex forests of medicine and insurance.
356 2020-0224 11:27 PM as I was drifting into sleep:"The odds are against you, James Comel (SIC)". Very clearly pronounced 'Co-mel' by a male voice, age 40s-50s. The resemblance of this name to 'James Comey' is obvious but may be coincidental.
357 2020-0307 7:40 AM (remembered this morning, not recorded): There is a new male voice in the theater of my sleeping mind, age 40s-50s. He makes noises like an independent, unbiased investigator. He told someone to tell his people that he was handling this now, saying that they should -- and implying they had better -- 'butt out' [my words]. My sleeping mind took this to mean that he alone was now handling the TPW investigation. He said something about my having told the State Department about TPW (true, about the Cuban Sonic Weapon similarity) and something else that was an obvious implication -- essentially that I was acting above board about TPW. My impression was that everyone previously involved (at least in recent years) had been political minion / finger puppets, whose assignment was to do and think what they were told. That 'sounds right' to me.
The dremems after 7AM this morning were all technical in nature. A male voice (age 40-60) told someone else that their rocket payload could only be two cubic feet (no weight or mass limit was offered). Of course, you can pack a lot of instrumentation -- or mischief -- into two cubic feet. This morphed into someone spraying a cryogenic liquid from a medium-sized thermos bottle on and around the heavy wrap-around steel box beam base (1.5"W x 3"H) of a large, all-white metal container (I'm guessing 7'L x 5'W x 5'H). I was seeing this through his eyes (typical). Even asleep, this activity made no sense to me. I recall no markings on the container, but I was aware that the background seemed similar to a modest-sized warehouse, lab storage area, or maybe a receiving dock with mostly white walls. It was very well lit. In retrospect I was aware of a non-sequitur narration track (typical), but only vaguely so as I was still in a medium-level sleep at the time. Thus the narration track went unnoticed during the dremems.
If this new investigator is truly independent and effective, he will likely be reassigned (promoted) to a greatly desired position, or diverted by a manufactured and urgent crisis or high-priority event. I am fairly certain that this 'redirection' via manufactured events has happened several times over the past 20 years. The "diabolical" [your term, recently and several times over the years] strength of TPW is the intelligence forewarning that allows the 'TPW-puppetmasters' to divert TPW-innocent minds, such that competent unbiased investigators are detoured away from TPW-involved incidents (and thus discover nothing)... so that less competent and/or biased minds (either by puppetmaster selection or by random default) are diverted towards TPW and either are too biased, or lack the intellectual ability, interest, or courage to discover anything. This preemptive control has always been the fundamental purpose of intelligence gathering in government agencies, business, politics, and religion. I am reminded of books about WW-II and the cold war with the USSR.
So I'm expecting a new mass distraction as an excuse for this man's diversion. If he can't be diverted or reassigned or otherwise 'controlled', he may have a 'tragic accident'. Good luck, sir, and I mean that wholeheartedly!
358 2020-0307: In the 13 years since my visit to Embassy Row in Washington D.C., no investigator (of any flavor) has ever identified himself to me nor asked to speak to me. Nor, to my knowledge, has anyone asked my attorneys if they may speak to me... 'Did you notice the strange thing the dog did in the night?... But the dog did nothing!... That was the strange thing.' –Sherlock Holmes in Silver Blaze. And yes, I have quoted those lines before.
And this as well: "It is difficult to get a man to understand something if his paycheck depends on his not understanding it." Who in our government is capable of independently investigating every dark nook and cranny of our government and has the will and authority to do so? Especially at stratospheric political / DARPA-class / CIA-class technical levels? Who will 'bell the cat' that so generously brings gifts of money, power, and prestige (or delivers scorn, pain, and death) to mice... and asks only for their loyal subservience in exchange? Isn't that fair and just? Perhaps you would do well to ask the citizens of Nazi Germany?
359 2020-0424: Medical update: Chemotherapy is proceeding as it should. I am being extremely careful to always wear an N100 mask outdoors and wash my hands frequently, especially in the kitchen. I keep a small bottle of hand sanitizer in my pocket to use frequently during and after shopping.
Earlier this month it dawned on me that I haven't posted a photo of the TPW cyst for some time: